Compliance & Standardization

Regulatory and industry standards Adoption, pre-assessment, Appraisal, Implementation, Compliance and Monitoring; Regulatory requirements and industry standards Compliance Audits & Surveys, Safety/Quality & Operational procedures setting, Documentation and Reengineering

Regulatory Compliance

— Provide the required pre-assessment as per the applicable authority requirements & Standards
— Gap Analysis against the applicable Regulatory & Standards requirements and management of the implementation plan
— Process of Engineering/ Reengineering the existing processes
— Execution of all types of organizational audit to cover the applicable requirements
— Management of any Company Certification & accreditation requirements

— Execution of all types of organizational independent audits & Surveys to cover the applicable requirements

— Preparation of the Organizational Audit checklists against the applicable standards
— Authoring/rewriting of Quality/Safety/Operational documentation system and Manuals

— Featuring a wide range of training through accredited organizations.
— Awareness Training to cover regulatory requirements and standards.